
The Age of Courage

The Age of the Heart.

Here we are. HERE we flipping are. These times have ushered us into a new era, The Age of Courage - The Age of the Heart. WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for. And it is time to dive in and rise up.

May these musings of the last few years support your journey home to and through yourself and your amazing body, your vessel here for this wild + sacred ride, as we individually and collectively step into our becoming, into heart-centered consciousness, healing in and through the body - coming into Union within, and en masse.

Onward and upward, farther down and deeper in.

Here for you. xxx, Mackenzie

Mackenzie McNamara Mackenzie McNamara

Toxic Femininity - Let’s Talk about It.

… Distorted, toxic femininity has *trouble manifesting*, and she is *pissed* about it. She doesn't see/feel/have what she desires and is disconnected from, or experiences distortions in, 'the flow' of life, love, abundance, & Spirit. This makes her feel inherently unsafe and she is willing to do just about anything to regain what she perceives & feels as safety & control…

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Mackenzie McNamara Mackenzie McNamara

Dismembering to Remember… Seeking vs. Escaping

When I was in the deep throws of postpartum depression, I experienced recurrent, intrusive thoughts - one in particular. "I want to put my head through the wall." Over and over, like an alarm bell going off, day-in, day-out…

…What if our dear souls are seeking a way to 'dissociate' from this body, and get back to the feeling+knowing of that Light? *To dis-member to re-member,* that we are more than this body and its current experience? And that each of those paths may *all* serve a sacred purpose + also tempt escapism (+addiction & harm)?

I pray you, we, I, continue to *CHOOSE* TO COME BACK. AND TO STAY. ALL of us, EVERY PART of us, 100%, all the way, right here, right now, in this body. EVEN IN THESE CHALLENGING TIMES - THIS is the medicine - to bridge discomfort+seeking more/better into the realization+honor that YOU are the Medicine.

*THIS* is what we came here for. To re-member (put back together) who we are…

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Mackenzie McNamara Mackenzie McNamara

Raise your Voice

We need to remember what OUR VOICES sound like.

Not the voices on the 'tel'e'vision' that TELL us what to SEE - think - feel - prioritize...

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Mackenzie McNamara Mackenzie McNamara

The Truth about Change

Sometimes healing feels like a cellular earthquake that is intensely “de-stabilizing” with the divine purpose of CHANGE & the choice to TRANSFORM into a higher expression &life trajectory…

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Mackenzie McNamara Mackenzie McNamara

Pain : Sometimes it f*cking hurts

Sometimes it f*cking hurts. IT’S SUPPOSED TO.

Pain is MEANT to interrupt your pattern of being + life to deliver sacred messages guiding you into something new, something higher, IF YOU LET IT.

The more we resist it, the more it HURTS.

If it’s going to hurt anyway, as you’re stretched or squeezed through a transformation opportunity, what if you LET IT??…

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Mackenzie McNamara Mackenzie McNamara

Hope+Healing: The One You’ve Been Waiting For

… Through her chiropractic adjustment, as energy was liberated from the spine & body, it became very clear, that we opening up a “gateway” for spiritual healing. As we verbally covered topics and unwound the body patterns around them, she lovingly let go of old patterns, washing them away with tears. We neared completion for her session as her young child played nearby (#momlife), and as I was silently holding her occiput, I had a distinct visual of her, as a raven, looking eye to eye with me, and then diving off, open-winged into the void…

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Mackenzie McNamara Mackenzie McNamara

Earth Song

Come now,

I know you are weary.

Come, Lay your head upon my breast.

Breathe in my Peace and Openness,

In Love and Sacred rest.

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Mackenzie McNamara Mackenzie McNamara

ART: Healing what Hurts

Painting this triggered the sh** out of me.

What you think might kill you, is usually just asking you to sit with it, a little deeper, and offering a healing opportunity should you choose to accept it.

The fire doesn’t burn you, your resistance to letting go does.

All comes into balance at the end.

The world may seem like it’s burning and flooding and all is going to shit, But WE have the power and WE are the medicine to rewrite our stories…

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Mackenzie McNamara Mackenzie McNamara

Maybe none of this is okay.

I was so angry. All the time.

I was mad at *her,* too.

A spiritual presence sometimes just did not feel like enough as I dangled at the end of my rope, simultaneously feeling like I would suddenly spontaneously combust and that I was also, somehow, drowning.

I KNOW I’m not alone.

Why does it *feel* like I am?…

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Mackenzie McNamara Mackenzie McNamara

Something in the Water

… The glaciers are melting. This is not the first time in the history of the planet, and likely not the last.

Glacial water is the some of the purest water you can drink. It contains *thousands* of years of stored (frozen) energetic intelligence in the form of water crystals, minerals, and ions. Glaciers are ancient time and wisdom keepers.

Some say that during times of great need - in the cycles of the planet - of expansion and growth, contraction and fear - the releasing of this ancient, stored, frozen earth-intelligence occurs - melting - releasing it into the bloodstream of our watery planet - for the infusing and absorption into Mother Earth and into us, her people…

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Mackenzie McNamara Mackenzie McNamara

ART: Come as You Are

She has breasts and a soft, fleshy belly. And all the depth that comes with having loved, held, expanded, streeeeeetched, changed, and opened. Seemingly endless times in infinite ways.

Feminine energy is so POWERFUL.

And yet we try to hide her away!

Her soft curves, and life-stretched skin…somehow, she is both too-much and also not-enough… we judge her, abandon her, loathe her, abuse her.

No. 👏More. 👏

“She” calls you; a soft, gentle opening:

And invitation to

“Come as you are,

Be loved…”

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Mackenzie McNamara Mackenzie McNamara

Blind Faith

There is a strange and beautiful pain in allowing your entire life to dissolve, and burn away... not knowing what and who will stay, or go... not knowing what it will look like, or feel like, or be like in the next step, or the next 100 steps.

My higher self + Spirit called me to walk by faith, not by sight, trusting in that which I couldn’t see... and I devoted my daily path to Trusting that guidance, even when the flames were licking my calves as I stepped and my heart was cracked open more times than I can count and in more ways than I knew possible... I felt space created in my cells and every part of my being, and in the initial resistance, it felt like a million deaths…

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Mackenzie McNamara Mackenzie McNamara

DNA Liberation + Healing + Activation

I remove and release all distortions, obstructions, and personal & ancestral patterns that no longer serve my highest good and benefit -through all time, space, dimension, & lifetimes.

I claim and activate the highest possible outcomes, experiences, timelines, healing, and Love - right here, right now and for all eternity. Please and thank you.

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Mackenzie McNamara Mackenzie McNamara

But it hurts here

I see myself crying alone on the floor of a deeply wooded forest. Huge, tall trees all around me.

I’m sitting on the ground, knees to my chest, arms wrapped around my naked body.

With tear-stained cheeks and swollen eyes I look up to the stars, and cry out,

“But, it still hurts.”

The night sky becomes her star-covered arms as the Cosmic Mother sweeps down and holds me in her blanket of stardust and loving compassion and whispers, “I know baby, I’m here. I can’t take you from this place. But I will be here with you while you move through it. I won’t leave you. I’m right here…”

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Mackenzie McNamara Mackenzie McNamara

ART: Sacred Union

What I have learned is this: before we can experience rising in Love and Union with another, we must first dive deep down and find Love and Union within ourselves. This inner alchemy and her fire of transmutation is unimaginably hot. But as we learn to sit, to trust, and to move deeper into ourselves, into the pain... to bring our awareness right where it hurts, without avoiding it... as we surrender into Trust and healing, the fire instantly stops burning and we are flooded with deep remembrance and embodiment of who we truly are…

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Mackenzie McNamara Mackenzie McNamara


My first adult experience with angels was in 2012. I was rear-ended and as soon as I was aware an impact was happening, I was pulled out of my body by two Light beings - beings I can only describe as Angels. I recognized them, though more by feel than by sight, after all, my eyes were still in my body and “I”... was not. I “saw” by a different type of sight, an experiential one: a knowing mixed with feeling and Light - a “sight” I’ve since found to be more reliable than my own two human eyes…

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Mackenzie McNamara Mackenzie McNamara

Songs from the Valley of Death

… In this dark place,

as we L E T G O , we L E T I N

the grace that is found in these deep chasms,

the faith, the fortitude, the T R U S T in who we are.

We learn that maybe purgatory is not where we are judged,

but where we let go of our judgments.

Where we are invited to set ourselves free…

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Mackenzie McNamara Mackenzie McNamara

The Way

In freedom and Love I wait.

I whisper, “make straight the Way,” though the living waters of Creation so love to hug and caress the bends of the river as she traverses the great land.

So, perhaps, it is not the straightness, but the openness.

The receptivity to the flow.

Allowing her to rush in and through like the raging river, pushing away, cleansing out, what no longer serves…

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