ART: Sacred Union

“Sacred Union” (commissioned painting by me)

What I have learned is this: before we can experience rising in Love and Union with another, we must first dive deep down and find Love and Union within ourselves. This inner alchemy and her fire of transmutation is unimaginably hot. But as we learn to sit, to trust, and to move deeper into ourselves, into the pain... to bring our awareness right where it hurts, without avoiding it... as we surrender into Trust and healing, the fire instantly stops burning and we are flooded with deep remembrance and embodiment of who we truly are. And we become the gold- the treasure we seek. And in this space of radical healing and reclamation we rise like the Phoenix, made new.

The concept of twin flames is fascinating and beautiful. Two souls born from one sacred flame, each independently whole, and incarnating with the option of Sacred Union and a joint multidimensional mission. What an honor to have a part in this beautiful process and expression of Love.

This commission (Co-Mission for these two) finds her new home tomorrow


But it hurts here
