The Truth about Change

Sometimes healing feels like a cellular earthquake that is intensely “de-stabilizing” with the divine purpose of CHANGE & the choice to TRANSFORM into a higher expression &life trajectory.

I flew to a chiropractic seminar @milehighchiro expecting fresh energy+fellowship. But the first two days I realized, wow I know no one… and the loneliness of the last few years snarled &gnashed her teeth at me👹

Friday morning a speaker said, “when you’re on purpose you’re never alone.” Instant tears. #herewego

Saturday morning we did group movement training & ended in a huddle, arms around each other. One person said a prayer, “There is One Life. God’s Life. And that’s my Life now.” A song started playing that’s been a huge part of my journey the last few years (divine design). I burst into tears, again, with people I didn’t know, as we kept our arms around each other awhile longer. I still tear up thinking about it.

I couldn’t stop crying the rest of the morning so I went to my room to let it all out and was intercepted by a friend where I had the opportunity to say out loud to someone exactly what hurt and then went and cried - the type of cry that requires a shower at the end 🌊

That release valve was waiting to be opened for years, and I’m so grateful for the breakthrough +opportunity to process it out. And for the friends+fun had that evening, on the other side.

Most people think healing is about balance+grace, freedom from illness &symptoms, feeling good in your body-mind-spirit.

It’s not. THERE’S MORE. Healing is about CHANGE and your willingness + ability to DE-STABILIZE what is, bring more energy into the system, and re-organize into what’s possible - transcending what is/has been -and embodying “what could be” (and actually already “is”)- and it’s greater than “good.” It’s miraculous new Life.

Do you want ‘what is’ to be limited by what you’ve already been? (I want to be back to my old self!) OR, do you want MORE? Better? Higher? NEW? And are you willing to destabilize, ride the waves +receive yourself in the triggers as they come & let go to create space for more energy & the greater expression of LIFE?

Baby, you are WORTH IT!


You ready?


Raise your Voice


Pain : Sometimes it f*cking hurts