Hope+Healing: “We are the Light”

“We are the Light.”

She says that she grew up knowing she was protected, even in dangerous situations.

She remembers an angel filling her room as a child. When, as she described, “a man took out his pain on my body." She told me how she felt herself lifting up into the room, and a bright light protecting her in the midst of the assault on her little body.

Decades later, I met Gwen in a mom’s group. We were acquaintances for years but we weren’t close. As my private practice was growing and my intuition was becoming more clear - as I became more comfortable with who I am and exploring my own healing and spiritual liberation - I started having visions of people in my life. Including Gwen. In late 2019, I was meditating and had a vision of her standing in an ancient type of healing circle, presenting herself in what my cultural context would call an altar, (but it was more of an indigenous ceremonial space than a religious marble table). In the vision, she was an angel with matted, darkened wings, as if she had been stuffed up a chimney and covered in soot for years and years and years. She was crying a slow, drained, weary type of cry, and looked beaten and battered.

I reached out to her days later to share what I saw. I cried. She cried. And a new friendship was formed.

We began to do healing work together. After over a year of intense sessions in the practice and the blossoming of a beautiful friendship, Gwen came into the office one day and things were different. Her body looked rigid and I could feel the buzz in her nerves and sense of urgency in her field, tears waiting at the surface.

“I need help with something, Mackenzie. Spirit told me you could help. They said, ‘she can, if she will’” …

I paused.

She continued, “I was meditating and was shown and can feel an energetic implant in my body. Do you feel comfortable removing it?”

I felt Spirit move within me (which for me, at the time, felt like the chills or goosebumps but with no chills or goosebumps - like there was spirit-filled space between my muscles and my skin opening and expanding throughout my entire body, head, and brain). I felt this many times, as a major healing was opening in the field. But this time was different. Here’s why.

THE NIGHT BEFORE I was exploring the New Testament and was moved to tears by two stories: Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding (his first public miracle) and the story of the Leper asking Christ for healing stating, “If you are willing, you can heal me.”

“When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” John2:3-5 … with Mary, his mother, encouraging him to proceed. In The Chosen series, she pointedly says, “If not now, when?”

“If you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean.” Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said, “Be healed!” And instantly the leprosy disappeared.” Mark 8:2-3

Having just committed myself to God’s will the night before, and meditating & praying on the exact words, from Christ’s story: “You can, if you will.” I knew Gwen’s courage in asking - and following the guidance to ask in the way that she did - was setting the state for an important experience for us both.

Honoring the bigness of the moment, I asked for a moment to pray first, and went into a private space. I placed myself in the presence of God - and knew this was an opportunity for me to act as His servant, and to claim my readiness for action and healing; to put my will into God’s will and say, “Yes. I am ready. Yes, if it is your will, I will. I choose miracles, God’s Love through me. I’m ready.”

I asked Him to show me what to do. I surrendered myself and my thoughts into His Will. I emptied myself and I was shown that I could help Gwen, that it was safe, and for the highest good. And I was shown visions of what it would look like/how to flow through it.

I came out of the room and said, “Yes, I will.”

As a caveat, I, in no way, think I am Jesus. I believe Spirit was cueing Gwen with the EXACT phrase I had been praying on the night before as a way to CONNECT with me, her, and the healing that was available. The more connected and aligned I am, the more these things happen on a daily basis - serendipity, as some say - or simply having access to how things ‘really are,’ all the time, if we are willing to expand our awareness to meet it. These experiences and witnessing the connectedness of it all, like learning to read the music of the divine symphony of life - have been instrumental on the path - and for that I am so very grateful.

The session went deep almost immediately. As Spirit worked through us, waves of energy moved through her body. The ‘implant’ was released and her body shook as the tension unwound, back arching, arms and legs quivering. Huge emotions released and liberated - deep, deep sobbing, primal growling, and the type of crying that comes from an ache long forgotten and stuffed away - brought to the surface, at last, to be felt and let go. We were transported back to the trauma and when the ‘implant’ was placed.

“Oh my God, Mackenzie,” she cried out, “the bright light I saw when I was being abused as a child, knowing I was protected. It was us. Right now. It was us. It was US. WE ARE THE LIGHT.”

She cried big heaving sobs and huge sighs of relief.

Gwen had came back for herself. For the little girl.

We opened this space now to heal and protect her then.

The energy being released was so strong, so old, so dense, I nearly vomited. Gwen actually did.

As the energy began to settle, palpable peace shimmered through the room and the field. Gwen claimed herself, her identity, her being-ness, and her true living connection to Source. You could say, “an angel got her wings” that day, but, of course, she had them all along.

But on this day, She REMEMBERED and CHOSE to EMBODY the Truth of her being.

And she saved herself.

She was her own light in the darkness, traveling 30+ years in the space of an hour, from a small office room in suburban Missouri.

This is what is possible.

Not just for one of us, but for ALL of us.


And you are, too.

*shared with permission, Details have been altered for privacy


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