Raise your Voice

If you've worked with me lately, we've been playing with voice and breath work. YOUR voice is medicine for YOU. And it carries tones and frequencies that will be medicine for other people, too.

We need to remember what OUR VOICES sound like.

Not the voices on the 'tel'e'vision' that TELL us what to SEE - think - feel - prioritize...

Not the voices of our 'cult'-ural programming, church programming, family programming, school programming, techno-medical programming, political programming, 'who I should be' programming, 'good girl'-'good boy,' 'man-up'-'woman-down,' perfectionist, escapist, you-name-it programming.

YOUR voice. YOUR unique, sacred, personal, voice.

Do you remember what it sounds like?

Do you remember how easy it is to practice it?

Not to tell other people what to do/say/think/feel/prioritize... Not even to tell yourself... but to simply HEAR the sound of your energy moving over your vocal cords and out your mouth.

Breathe in.

SIGH out.

HEAR it, FEEL it.


Breathe in. Deeper.

TONE out.


Hear it, FEEL it. Deeper.


Does it want to be expressed louder? How loud can you go?

How does it feel? How soft can you go? How slow? Can you feel it vibrate through you? What is your body asking for?

Breath in.

Tone out.


Breath in.

Tone out.


Breath in. Tone out.


Forget the words. FIND THE SOUND of your voice. and FEEL it. In your WHOLE body. Let the sacred syllables and sounds nourish you *before you attach meaning to them and direct them at anyone or anything else.*

Realize the power you have.

Your voice.

Your choice.

*After* you experience+feel it for yourself, you could also look up the foundations of the sounds that make up language and what the vibrational frequency & meaning each offers... and you'll start understanding 'language' in a whole new way.

The Power of Voice.

The power of it moving through your body.

The power of remember how to feel it.

This is God-stuff,

and so are you.

Your body is an *instrument.*

We've been trained to forget it, how to use it well, & how to tune ourselves "in".

Time to feel, and remember.

Pssst - this can feel super weird and vulnerable at first, and I am so grateful for these last few years that I have been living and working solo so I don't have anyone to worry about being 'judged' by others (including myself) as I remember and play with these concepts and their innate magic - and what has unfolded from surrendering to sound-flow alone, you might not believe if I told you... If you want a private space/are feeling self-conscious, a car is often a great option to start this practice until you are more comfortable.

We've been singing songs we've been taught to sing.

What about YOUR song?

It can’t be taught, only remembered, and only by you.


When You See Bright Red in a Forest


The Truth about Change