Something in the Water


For your consideration :

The glaciers are melting. This is not the first time in the history of the planet, and likely not the last.

Glacial water is the some of the purest water you can drink. It contains *thousands* of years of stored (frozen) energetic intelligence in the form of water crystals, minerals, and ions. Glaciers are ancient time and wisdom keepers.

Some say that during times of great need - in the cycles of the planet - of expansion and growth, contraction and fear - the releasing of this ancient, stored, frozen earth-intelligence occurs - melting - releasing it into the bloodstream of our watery planet - for the infusing and absorption into Mother Earth and into us, her people.

After all, the majority Earth's surface is covered with water (~71%). And, the majority of the human body is water, too(~60%).

As we gestate in our mothers wombs, we LIVE in a water environment. How easily we forget that we are, in our own unique ways, amphibious - we move from water womb life to land earth life as we are born. Water is LIFE. Emotion. Flow. It is deeply connected with our survival.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Water is related to the emotion of *Fear* Seem pertinent to you?

Water is *feminine* - the yin to fire's yang.

ANCESTRAL QI - life force energy - is stored in your kidneys, a 'water' element organ. They are the storehouse for our 'essence' - our genetic blueprint and potential - and they command the birth-death-growth cycle. They hold the sacred balance of yin and yang within us. They 'open the ears' that we may hear (literally connected to hearing, not just metaphysically). They are the base of our willpower, our drive, and our courage.

How beautiful is it, that the ancient waters of the earth are releasing themselves to the People during times of turmoil and fear - to nourish us - to infuse us with ancient knowledge and deep remembrance - to assist us in these changing times as we move into the Age of Courage (coeur-age) - the Age of the Heart.


Maybe none of this is okay.


ART: Come as You Are