Songs from the Valley of Death

Songs from the V A L L E Y of death :::

We are in a collective deep dive into the shadow. The Valley.

We seek and exalt the mountain-top 'peak' experiences.

It is there that we find 'God.’ Where God seems most obvious, enlightened, powerful - and we seem most connected to "It".

And we avoid the dark valley - wide and deep - expansive and unfathomably far across (is there even an end on the other side?)

It is there that we must face and find… ourselves and "our God."

As we walk through the shadows of the Valley of Death,

a journey not one of us can escape, God seems LESS obvious... and our perception so deeply limited in the dark.

Whether by calling, chance, or circumstance…

Whether through living or through dying,

It is here that we learn – or are forced - to turn within.

After all, what else can you do, in the darkness of the valley?

Here we find a living purgatory. A sacred space to purge - to let go of – to surrender - that which we've held on to that no longer 'belongs' to us - and maybe never did... the things that weigh us down, the beliefs that distract us, the judgements that distort our perception and separate us from our inner light - from Love - others - from the fulfillment of our sacred purpose, and from Source, God, Creator, Spirit itself.

It is here that the ancient shaman, the medicine woman, the traditional midwife, the healer, the sage, the mystic – live – and sing. Where they wait for us. To teach us to sing the song of Life. These sacred guides do not seek to take away the experience or the pain, but to herald each of us T H R O U G H it. They cannot walk it *for* us, but *with* us – and sing *to* us until we can sing ourselves home.

In this dark place,

as we L E T G O , we L E T I N

the grace that is found in these deep chasms,

the faith, the fortitude, the T R U S T in who we are.

We learn that maybe purgatory is not where we are judged,

but where we let go of our judgments.

Where we are invited to set ourselves free.

In this deep Mystery,

When we feel most alone,

We discover the summit W I T H I N.

The mountain comes TO us - THROUGH us – and even begins to live AS us.

Ah, there it is.

A faith that M O V E S M O U N T A I N S.

As we sing our songs… from the Valley of Death.

If you have read this far,

You are likely already in the birthplace of the greatest, deepest love. The void – the womb – the valley.

It might feel like you didn’t choose it,

But here you are.

May you dig in.

The deeper you are willing to go,

The higher the mountain you’ll be gifted to ascend.

You are so well supported.

So very loved.

And as you develop your ability to see (yourself) in the seeming darkness,

Tears will fill your eyes and sparkle with the reflection of the Light of Love standing right there with you, holding you through each step, each moment, every pain, every fear, every soul-shattering cry.

Break open. Break through. You are birthing your own Light.

As you find heaven within you,

It can never be taken from you,

And you shall fear no shadow,

For you will know:

“I am the Light.”

..."I will sing through the shadows, my song of Ascent."




The Way