My first adult experience with angels was in 2012. I was rear-ended and as soon as I was aware an impact was happening, I was pulled out of my body by two Light beings - beings I can only describe as Angels. I recognized them, though more by feel than by sight, after all, my eyes were still in my body and “I”... was not. I “saw” by a different type of sight, an experiential one: a knowing mixed with feeling and Light - a “sight” I’ve since found to be more reliable than my own two human eyes. We were suspended in time and space as I “sat” between them floating above and to the right of my physical body. My spirit watched and “felt” my body take the impact and whip forward over the steering wheel and back - but only as an detached observer with an awareness of: “Oh, this is a whiplash injury.” All the while, feeling completely comfortable and safe, secured in the presence of the Angels. I understood that they pulled me out because the impact would have been too great for my mind-body-and Spirit to take all at once.

As my head jerked backwards, the lights went out. I was unconscious for the second impact and woke up to the sound of a man furiously knocking on my window with panic in his voice, yelling something that I couldn’t make out. I opened my eyes and saw him and police lights flashing behind him.

If you have lost a loved one to any type of physical trauma, please know this: they too are lovingly lifted out of their bodies before feeling the impact of the trauma. Suspended in time and space, held in the Light of Love, these truths become so self-evident:
Here there is no more pain, and nothing to fear.
I am so deeply and reverently loved and held.
I am so much more than my body. I am a living Soul, a Spirit.
Beyond this body, I live as an integral part of this luminous field of Love. In fact, I have *always* been *here,* somehow, I simply forgot.
Like a ray of light to the Sun, I am connected to The Creator. And so, I now know: I have *never* been alone, forsaken, or abandoned. And until we meet again, this (my) Light lives on, eternal and free. Always present and ready to connect.


ART: Sacred Union


Songs from the Valley of Death