Sacred Motherhood

We are the lovers, the birthers, the guides,

and the guardians.

We are the cups of creation,

Instruments of miracles,

Vessels of the Divine.

We are the life-givers,

The holders of the Light.

We are the guardians of tender spirits, protectors of innocence, shapers of the world.

What an honor it is - to be a mother.

Holding our children we hold everything; the Light of

the world, the whole universe in a sweet embrace.

In the unending cycle of mothering, we are never alone; connected by our life-giving bodies and the spirit that

unites us in the common bond of fierce and endless Love.

We are the watchtowers, the sanctuaries, and

the temple itself; the birthplace of creation.

The lovers,

The livers,

The beacons of Light.

Come, let us remember together the wonders that we are:

Eternal Love, Endless Light, Sacred Mothers.


Prayer: Armor of God