Lungs and Grief

LUNGS and GRIEF ::: Something you might not know about me. In the late summer of 2017 I developed pneumonia. It was persistent and very difficult to overcome. So much so that it affected every lobe of both lungs, and officially recurred 4 times over the course of the last two and a half years. I felt unwell for years straight.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the lungs are emotionally connected with G R I E F . And pneumonia is related to emotional suffocation. Two years ago, I confided in a shaman friend, “I feel like I am feeling the grief of the world.” It was not just a feeling, but a knowing.

With some extra-ordinary holistic healing measures, I healed (for good) in October 2019. And I knew the pneumonia would not recur.

And now, here we are. 2020.

The world is grappling with a respiratory-related illness. And her people are grieving- physically, emotionally, financially... in so many ways, and all at the same time.

This is how some people’s empathy and intuition works. We feel things, from the collective, through our own field, sometimes way in advance. Often mixed in with our own “stuff.” And it allows the opportunity to create or reinforce a path of healing.

I’ve learned to trust myself. My intuition, and the way my body receives information and transmutes /alchemizes it for healing.

I’ve learned to have greater and greater confidence in what I know: we are all connected, we are all much more powerful than we realize, and we are all One. In the truest, most sacred sense.

This time of grief will end.

We will heal. Collectively.

So what do I feel now?

I feel our hearts opening. Massive openings.

Open heart + vulnerability feels to me like what I used to call “anxiety” - but now I know as an opportunity to be still, and invite Love in - to have a seat with fear/anxiety/vulnerability/triggers/wounds/old patterns - to HEAL.

We are individually and collectively called to do this work. It doesn’t look pretty on the outside. It looks chaotic, triggering, and hard to watch. SO MUCH we have avoided seeing is coming to the surface. And It. Is. Time.

Time for us to go WITHIN, allow ourselves to FEEL IT, to hold LOVE next to that which we’d rather avoid - and breathe into it. And when we do that, we can not only heal ourselves, but the whole planet.

Better days are ahead.

Keep doing the work.

Our personal healing matters more than we know.

Love and Solidarity. <3


The Age of Courage


Come up for Air