The One You’ve Been Waiting For

You are the one you’ve been waiting for. 🦅

“I’ve been meaning to come see you for a long time,” she said. “Now I messed up my back and it got me in.” She had planned to do a deep dive/soul session but now needed to focus on the body & low-back issue that got her attention.

Through her chiropractic adjustment, as energy was liberated from the spine & body, it became very clear, that we opening up a “gateway” for spiritual healing. As we verbally covered topics and unwound the body patterns around them, she lovingly let go of old patterns, washing them away with tears. We neared completion for her session as her young child played nearby (#momlife), and as I was silently holding her occiput, I had a distinct visual of her, as a raven, looking eye to eye with me, and then diving off, open-winged into the void. Not two seconds later she verbalized the exact same concept, having shared the exact same vision. 🦅🤯💜

I smiled and said, “It takes a lot of courage to dive into the void, traveling between worlds” as the raven archetype does, embracing the sacred medicine those journeys hold for us, and others.

She is the medicine. The medicine she needed. And she “showed up.” Even though the body/low back was the priority, it became its own gateway for higher-deeper-wider healing.

🦅 Do *you* have something you’ve been called to, but have been putting off? Why? Is it time to listen? Do you deeply desire soul healing but feel like it’s only for people who look/feel/act/talk certain ways or have certain gifts?

This is for ALL of us. YOU are a soul, YOU are gifted & living+moving energy through a sacred vessel called your body - and this is accessible for YOU, too. I am seeing people of all ages+walks of life experiencing radical healing and spiritual shifts DAILY in practice. 🌈✨🙏

You are the one you’ve been waiting for.

You are the medicine you need.

It’s all within you, waiting to be revealed and unlocked 🔑

You know the way. ✨🙏

Please stop denying your power and potential. Trust yourself and step into your healing. You’re worthy of it. And the world needs you - the full, real, raw, True you.

🎨 Tangled Muses

After her session, this is what she had to say: “This session had a PROFOUND impact on me. There was a clear before and after in my life… and I’m forever grateful.” 💙


Hope+Healing: “We are the Light”